Ferrotypes and ambrotypes. Jack Fischer Gallery flat file display, San Francisco, California. (This gallery recently relocated: visit Jack's website for details.)
Cover to Cover: A Survey of Artist Members' Photo Books. Group show. July 10 - August 24, 2013, SF Camerawork, San Francisco.
Roll Call. Group show. May 6 - August 7, 2010, SF Camerawork, San Francisco. (Show catalog.)
Soho Photo Gallery's Fifth Annual Alternative Processes Juried Competition. Winner. Juried group show. November 3 - 28, 2009, Soho Photo, 15 White Street, New York, NY. (Winners List (PDF).)
Ersatz Group Exhibition. Group show. June 4 - August 22, 2009, SF Camerawork, San Francisco.
Soho Photo Gallery's Fourth Annual Alternative Processes Juried Competition. Winner. Juried group show. November 6 - 29, 2008, Soho Photo, 15 White Street, New York, NY. "Soho Photo's most recent competition resulted in a month-long show at Soho Photo that included the winning photographs of 28 photographers from all over the United States. Their work was chosen from that of 130 photographers who had submitted more than 500 photographs, representing the wide range of alternative methods." (Winners List (PDF).)
Out of the Fog: Richmond District Artists and Others Exhibit Their Creations for Eric Mar. Group show. September 20 - November 5, 2008, Eric Mar for Supervisor Headquarters, San Francisco, California. Art show in support of Mr. Mar's successful political campaign for Supervisor, District 1.
Un-Scene San Francisco Photography Tour. Finalist, Grand Prize Winner. Juried group show (5 artist finalists). March 19, 2008, W San Francisco - Great Room I, 3rd Floor. Juror: Jack Fischer of Jack Fischer Gallery.
Visual Edge: Handcrafted. Juried group show. January 5 - February 3, 2007, Viewpoint Photographic Art Center, Sacramento, California.
Alternative & Early Processes Exhibition 2006. Juried group show. December 1 - 28, 2006, Gallery 1885, The Camera Club of London, 16 Bowden Street, Kennington, London SE11 4DS. "Exhibition of commended entries in The Camera Club International Alternative and Early Processes competition."
Past Is Present: An exhibition of contemporary artists working with historic photographic processes. Juried group show. September 9 - October 28, 2006, sponsored and organized by The Laboratorium. Shown at the Visual Studies Workshop Gallery, 31 Prince Street, Rochester, NY 14607.
Copyright © 2005 - 2013 A. E. Graves